Volunteering has become a major priority at The Farmers Bank where employees give their time to help those in need and to positivity impact the surrounding community. This year alone, The Farmers Bank has donated 969 hours of volunteer work in the Sumner and Robertson County areas. Out of 160 employees, 114 of them contributed to the total number of volunteer hours. One employee stood out from the rest and received 44 hours of volunteer work. Doreen Brown is the 2023 Volunteer of the Year at The Farmers Bank.
Brown is a Portland native. She furthered her education by completing her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. She worked in education until she joined The Farmers Bank family in 2020. She is now the administrative assistant at the Portland branch.
Since being at the bank, Brown has participated in many activities and volunteer opportunities inside and outside of the bank walls. She wants to help her community she grew up in. She says, “To me, volunteering is about getting out in the community, being involved, and engaging with others to help in any way we are able.”
The Farmers Bank has contributed to many projects in our counties, like Habitat for Humanity, United Way, local charities, and financial education in local schools. Brown’s favorite projects were Christmas shopping for children, painting playhouses for children in our community through Habitat for Humanity, and reading and teaching to students in local schools about the value of saving money.

Volunteering helps communities prosper and flourish into better living conditions for everyone to grow into their best self. Brown thinks that volunteering does help the community cultivate a better future. She says, “Volunteering is important because many are unaware of the needs that could be met if the effort is merely made. It is really easy to miss the needs of others if we are not intentional in looking.”
The Farmers Bank strives to make an impact through volunteering and creating bonds with other organizations that will lead to strong partnerships for upcoming events and missions. Not only volunteer work that demands physical strength, like picking up trash for Sumner County or packing food boxes for families, but also educating the community about finances can contribute to the positive influence the bank can offer to the public. Brown says, “I believe The Farmers Bank has made an impact on the community through volunteering for various events throughout the years. I look forward to seeing what more we will be able to accomplish in the future.”
With the many projects The Farmers Bank does throughout the year, Brown has one that she enjoyed the most. She says, “I enjoyed working with Habitat for Humanity. Everything was well planned, and we were able to get straight to work on painting playhouses.”

Each passing year, The Farmers Bank adds more volunteering projects that everyone can contribute to and have fun while participating. Brown has high hopes for volunteering at the bank. She wants to place more importance on volunteering where everyone has a place to help their community. “I hope The Farmers Bank continues to put an emphasis on volunteering. We are a community bank, and I believe there is no better way to show that than being present, helping, and encouraging others.”
Volunteering is something that not only helps others but also can boost someone’s mental and physical health. Brown finds happiness in volunteering. She inspires others by saying, “I would encourage others in the community and within the bank to get involved in volunteering if they haven’t already. It is worth the time and effort you put into it. There has not been a single event that I have regretted being a part of, and I imagine the same would be true for others. I feel like I get as much out of it as anyone I may be helping.”
Brown shines her light on others with her giving heart. Volunteering isn’t something to dread or feel obligated to join. Volunteering should be from the sole purpose of helping those in need. The Farmers Bank applauds Brown for her willingness and generosity of her personal time spent for others. Give Doreen Brown a congratulations on being awarded The Farmers Bank Volunteer of the Year!