Congratulations! You have survived another school year!!! Your precious children are so happy to be out of school with no getting up early in the mornings, homework or schedules. I remember those days. I don’t believe this but my mother reminded me that when I was out on summer vacation I used the words, “I’m bored. Can we go somewhere?” Could that be true? Have things changed that much in the last 50 years? Would your children actually say they are bored??!! YES! It doesn’t matter which decade you are from, all children have made this declaration.

So how do we solve this problem? Well, let’s think about looking for something for our sweet little ones to do. Instead of driving them all over town, entertaining them at your expense, why not get ahead of this problem by introducing your children to the wonder of a summer job!!! With honest work on their daily schedules, they’ll keep boredom at bay and pocket some spending money. It seems like a win, win situation for the whole family.

According to the website,, here are some age-appropriate job ideas to try:

Ages 5 to 11

Ages 12 to 14

Ages 15 & Up

Each of these jobs is a good opportunity to get your children out of the house to earn extra money this summer and as an extra bonus, they’ll learn some valuable skills. It is never too early to learn a good work ethic and build character. Earning money along the way just makes it even better.

Your job as the parent is to motivate your children to want to work at some kind of job and then once they are earning their own money, to teach them how to give, save and spend their cash by using a budget. Good luck and have a great summer with your children!